How To Attract Luck: The Science Behind How People Get Luck
There are at least two overarching mental models for looking at the world: One could be called the bell curve and the other, the 80/20 curve.
^ADJ: This article is one of my favourites when thinking about strategy, marketing and where to invest time!
Modern Meditations: Claire Hughes Johnson
^ADJ: Some good insights into the author of Scaling People, "former Chief Operating Officer is one of the most consequential executives of the past decade, overseeing Stripe’s transformation from a high-potential startup with 160 employees into a global giant. Indeed, when Claire stepped away from her role as COO and into an advisory position, Stripe boasted a workforce more than 7,000 strong."
Red to blue: How the All Blacks perform under pressure
RAPID breathing, sweaty palms, racing mind. Most of us have experienced this feeling, of being in an exam or interview and feeling control is slipping away. The New Zealand All Blacks describe it as being HOT: heated, overwhelmed, tense.
^ADJ: An article well worth a read, how we perform under unexpected pressure can lead to some pretty amazing outcomes, preparing ourselves for this is so important.
How’s your teaming going?
The traditional model of how teams progress goes by stages — forming, storming, norming and performing. While it’s easy to remember, teams today don’t necessarily follow that model. They’re dispersed, virtual, temporary and potentially remote. So how do you know if things are going well?
^ADJ: Great reminder: As my friend Jeff Pfeffer says, unless you are a sole contributor, your success depends on other people.
Diversifying AI: Towards Creative Chess with AlphaZero
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have surpassed human intelligence in a variety of computational tasks. However, AI systems, like humans, make mistakes, have blind spots, hallucinate, and struggle to generalize to new situations. This work explores whether AI can benefit from creative decision-making mechanisms when pushed to the limits of its computational rationality.
^ADJ: AI working in teams is more effective than AI model alone - interesting.