Stop wasting your most precious resource: Middle managers
In the modern workplace, middle managers face many challenges. A new survey finds three areas where organizations can better support their managers and help them accomplish more.
^ADJ: Great reminder about the importance of middle management, so often forgotten about when creating and executing strategy (and then wonderment as to execution issues), and our job to remove obstacles that get in the way!
Nail Your Presentation — Even When Your Time Is Cut Short
One of the most common unpleasant surprises that you’ve likely faced as a public speaker is getting your time cut short. You go into the meeting with a plan for what you’re going to cover based on the allotted time you’ve been given. And then, the technology doesn’t work until 15 minutes into the meeting.
^ADJ: Great tip: Come with the full version of the presentation you planned, and a version that’s 50% of what you’ve planned.
I see so many people with flawed assumptions as to the time we have available and not enough clarity on what would add value - two things that should be well established before hand. AND please don't read slides that if they were included in a pre-read, we would all be better off.
Values Navigator: Discover your personal values with this quick quiz
Try this interactive quiz and downloadable worksheet to identify and prioritize your personal values.
Why Some People Get Sick More Often
Genetic susceptibilities, the environment and the body’s response to inflammation all influence our odds of falling ill.
^ADJ: Good reminder about the influence of diet and exercise.
If Times Are Tough -- Don't Hide. Be Present
^ADJ: A reminder that when times are tough, leadership more than ever is required.
Exercise versus caloric restriction for visceral fat loss - which is better?
In this blog article we explain the findings of our recent meta-analysis where we compared the effects of exercise and caloric restriction for reducing visceral fat in individuals with overweight and obesity.
^ADJ: key point - "findings substantiate the role of exercise for metabolic health improvements, and support the use of exercise for reducing visceral fat in individuals with overweight and/or obesity"