Thriving in Chaos. Top Managerial Behaviours
In the rapidly evolving tech industry, managers often face unpredictable challenges, shifting priorities, and an ever-changing technological landscape. To thrive, they must possess a unique set of skills and qualities that will enable them to navigate in the fields of the unknown with confidence and poise.
^ADJ: Love the short list in order to thrive as a manager:
- Exceptional flexibility
- Effective communication skills
- Trustworthiness as a tech partner
- Highly critical thinking
This Week - Apple and Must Read
Two things, lots of commentary on Apple's latest Vision Pro some very positive and enthusiastic, others ho hum - personally I think its going to be a game changer but like anything is going to morph into a product that we will accept. Remember the first iPhone did not have an App Store - but yet it is inconceivable to think of the iPhone now without the App eco-system.
Finished Francis Frey & Ann Morris's new book: Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader's Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You - this is going to be a must read for my management team, as it helps build on the work we are doing on high performing teams, strategy and designing the culture we want as a business.
The Perils of Prudence
Here are two things I believe:
Speed is a startup's key advantage. Startups are a marathon, not a sprint.
^ADJ: A good reminder Amundsen v. Scott - integration of great strategy, culture and leadership
How To Win At Managing - 3 Core Principles
As we re-imagine the world of work, the signs are pointing to a variety of hybrid solutions, where people come into an office or a gathering place at some points to connect and build bonds.
^ADJ: A good reminder, lets keep management simple: deliver an aligned result and enable the success of the people on your teams!
Resetting the score
Sometimes, an entire industry gets reset to zero, and all the entrenched advantages and parameters go away. The iPhone had that effect, and so did HMS Dreadnought.
^ADJ: Some history and thinking that is relevant to us all, what is that next shift?
When customers are “willing” to pay
This fresh take on “Willingness-to-Pay” analyzes three types of customer motivation, leading to superior strategies for growth that also better the world.
^ADJ: WTP came up in all the marketing cases recently, I think this is a great article and good reminder about creating excess consumer surplus & love.
In Praise of Memorization
^ADJ: Love this for so many reasons: You Can't Reason Accurately Without Knowledge.