The Genesis of Founder Mafias
Why is there no Google mafia? There is no great Facebook mafia either. Ditto for Amazon.
Why are the most talked about mafias from companies like PayPal?
Do You Have the Right Software for Your Digital Transformation?
Succeeding in digital transformation begins with platform selection — finding the right constellation of basic apps plus the ability to rapidly regenerate error-free, running code to support a business’ changing processes. Small and midsize businesses’ front office software is under-configured for a digital transformation. Many companies have old software suites that no longer fit the demands of a work-from-anywhere world. Also, their systems are not well integrated, causing extra work for users who often wrestle long hours with their software, often on personal time, to support what should be simple business processes.
Is Your Organization Surviving Change — or Thriving in It?
The single biggest challenge we face as teams, organizations, and a society at large is to adapt fast enough to match the increasing uncertainty and complexity around us. And since all indications are that increasing volatility, complexity, and rapid change is the new normal, organizations will need to find new ways to mobilize their employees to actively participate in gathering insights, creating solutions, and providing leadership. The authors outline an emerging framework for how leaders can handle this rapid pace of change, by managing the two-channel system hardwired into all humans: the Survive Channel, which is activated by threats and leads to feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress; and the Thrive Channel, which is activated by opportunities and is associated with feelings of excitement, passion, and joy.
3 Questions to Help Your Team Solve Problems
When a team struggles with a problem, there’s a temptation for a boss to provide answers. A better approach is to ask questions that help the team arrive at answers itself. The author offers three questions: 1) What do you recommend? 2) How can we test that? 3) What do you need from me?