The Bounty Hunter of Wall Street -
In the finance world, Left, 46, is what is known as an “activist” short-seller. After he places a bet against the price of a stock, he then publishes research designed to torpedo the company’s value, often by airing accusations of fraud or abuse. This is entirely legal, as long as what he publishes is not itself fraudulent. Left takes short positions in companies across a whole range of industries — Tesla, Valeant, GoPro — and though he makes mistakes, he has an unusually high success rate.
8 minute read - insight into the world of short selling ^ADJ
Eight simple but powerful habits that will make you more successful
If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves. — David Allen
To become more more successful at everything you do in life, you need to do three things: reduce the amount of time you waste, be more organized, and get rid of the “mental clutter” that distracts you, preoccupies you, and stresses you out. There are literally thousands of ways you can accomplish that, but some are far more effective than others. Here are eight of the most effective success habits that you can start implementing within the next few days ...
4 minute read
The Marshmallow Myth
It's been over half a century since Walter Mischel tempted the tastebuds of hundreds of children in Northern California with a tantalizing marshmallow treat inside his laboratory at Stanford University. In the decades that followed, the children who were able to resist eating a smaller treat right away in exchange for a bigger treat later on ended up being healthier and more successful in school and in life. The message was clear: delaying gratification is a critical success factor. Thus prompting teachers and parents all across America to sport "Don't Eat the Marshmallow" tee-shirts. But new evidence suggests that we are missing the point.
4 minute read - interesting new research ^ADJ
Data-Driven Marketing: A 7-Step Guide
Market competition is at an all-time high and companies need to create unfair advantages to compete and grow. An interesting growth lever companies can use is data. In today’s world, data is ubiquitous and companies that will leverage it will win.
15 minute read - so much of the marketing dollar spent is completely wasted, but what part of the budget should you cut and what should you double up on - interesting read ^ADJ
Your New Hires Won’t Succeed Unless You Onboard Th...
It used to be that onboarding was a process of just a few days, but new research shows that spending as much as a year helping new employees get up to speed in the workplace is necessary to capitalize on the skills, knowledge, and excitement they bring to the organization. What’s more, companies with successful onboarding programs are not just more likely to retain their new hires but even report measurable profit growth.
4 minute read - we have been spending more time at both IT Partners and Lightwire thinking about how we onboard, what the days up to arriving look like, and how the first few weeks look like, a good example would be all the senior team taking the new hire out to lunch.