Quick Takes from books I have finished this week

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard - offers a practical framework on change, how to initiate, support and make enduring change. My big takeout was scripting the moves (ahead of time) that is going to support the change initiative.

The Managers Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change - recommended read for any manager involved in managing technical professionals, especially those new to management. Two takeouts, 1. A good reminder as to getting some of the basics right - consistently. 2. Asking your team a question that requires a bit of thought how do you truly want to be managed, to get the best out of you?

THE BEST LEADERS DON’T SHOUT - a good easy read for anyone in General Management as a reminder about what it is to be a leader, and simple but effective tips to bring about growth and change. Three things that stuck with me, 1. What are the critical success factor for each role, 2. What are the 5 biggest things getting in the way of our strategy 3. A reminder about the value of process mapping

Islands of Profit ins a Sea of Red Ink - the author makes an argument that a lot of business (upwards of 40% of revenue) is done at a loss or best case breakeven, and that you should have a strategy to identify and address this. The book has a manufacturing and supply chain focus, but the lessons are equally applicable to service led businesses.

Andrew Johnson