Why Founders Should Focus on Productivity Instead of Efficiency
Imagine what greater efficiency could look like in your life and work. Maybe you would automate a common email chain or customer inquiry. Run five miles in 35 minutes instead of 40. Or trim business expenses by 10 percent. There are hundreds of different definitions, but ultimately, efficiency means producing the same result with fewer resources -- less time, money, or energy.
The world needs topsoil to grow 95% of its food – but it’s rapidly disappearing
Without efforts to rebuild soil health, we could lose our ability to grow enough nutritious food to feed the planet’s population
The best leaders do not set goals. Here’s what they do instead
Imagine what greater efficiency could look like in your life and work. Maybe you would automate a common email chain or customer inquiry. Run five miles in 35 minutes instead of 40. Or trim business expenses by 10 percent. There are hundreds of different definitions, but ultimately, efficiency means producing the same result with fewer resources -- less time, money, or energy ...
How an Ancient Greek philosophy can maximize your productivity
A great article on choosing valuable work over busy work ...
More stunning falls in solar and battery storage costs put fossil fuels on notice
More speculator falls in the costs of solar PV and battery storage technologies is ensuring that renewables are not only vastly cheaper than coal and gas power plants on generation costs, but also competitive with fossil fuel generation when it comes to dispatchable generation.
Steve Blank How to Stop Playing “Target Market Roulette”: A new addition to the Lean toolset
Modern entrepreneurship began at the turn of this century with the observation that startups aren’t smaller versions of large companies – large companies at their core execute known business models, while startups search for scalable business models. Lean Methodology consists of three tools designed for entrepreneurs building new ventures:
The Business Model Canvas – to write down all the hypotheses about a new business; Customer Development – a process for testing those hypotheses outside the building; Agile Engineering – to rapidly build minimal viable products to test product/market fit.