How We Teach Digital Skills at PwC
At PwC, for example, we have developed a comprehensive workforce upskilling strategy to build the “digital fitness” of all of our people, equipping them with a broad base of knowledge across a variety of domains — such as data, analytics, AI and automation, blockchain, and design thinking — that we believe are critical for all business people today. This digital upskilling strategy is a core business priority, sponsored by our chairman.
^ADJ: Makes me think that we all need to re look at what we are doing in this area, how we are going to equip our people with the skills necessary for the future [which is coming sooner than you think]
Uber's economics team is its secret weapon
It’s hard to explain just how much economists love Uber.
^ADJ: Imagine the value of this data, but also how it builds winner takes all platform approach.
China’s Great Leap Backward – Foreign Policy
For decades, the country managed to avoid most problems suffered by dictatorships. Now Xi Jinping’s personal power play risks undermining everything that made China exceptional.
^ADJ: China has some head wins not only internally, but also with Trump and a debt overhang.
9 Ways Multitasking is Killing Your Brain and Productivity
We’d like to think that we can multitask—respond to emails, text messages, toggle between multiple tabs on a browser, and scroll through social media feeds, whilst working on important tasks—but, our brains would say otherwise.
^ADJ: This was something that was mentioned multiple times by different speakers whilst away this week at conference!
Building Trust while Cutting Costs
Restructuring initiatives can have a debilitating effect on the hearts and minds of employees, affecting those who stay as well as those who are let go. In our work with dozens of organizations implementing sweeping cost-cutting programs, we have observed firsthand the turmoil that employees experience — and how frequently their needs are forgotten during the crucial work of planning for the transformation.
9 Productivity Mistakes You're Making in the First 10 Minutes of Your Day (Infographic)
There are a number of things you’re probably doing every morning that are actually hindering your productivity.