This Study of 1.2 Million People Reveals the 1 Exercise That Most Improves Overall Mental Health
A good reminder: Physical activity performed in groups--like team sports or fitness classes--reduces stress, depression, and problems with emotions.
The 10 Qualities of an Emotionally Intelligent Person
There are many different kinds of intelligence, and it’s our job to discover what they are and how to integrate them into our lives. Sources of intelligence can be measured in quotients. Most of us are familiar with IQ, or the intelligence quotient, which is primarily associated with our ability to memorize, retrieve items from our memory and our logical reasoning.
Boost Your Emotional Intelligence with These 3 Questions
As the concept of emotional intelligence has gone global, we’ve watched professionals founder as they try to improve their emotional intelligence (or EI) because they either don’t know where to focus their efforts or they haven’t understood how to improve these skills on a practical level.
Yuval Noah Harari on what 2050 has in store for humans
Change is the only constant .... "As the pace of change increases, the very meaning of being human is likely to mutate and physical and cognitive structures will melt"
In the flurry of statistics that exist around personal productivity, there’s one I find especially alarming: The average person is distracted or interrupted every 40 seconds when working in front of their computer. In other words, we can’t work for even a single minute before we focus on something else. Sure, sometimes it’s easy to get back on track. But when our attention is completely derailed, research shows, it can take more than 20 minutes to refocus.