The 4 Inflection Points of Company Culture
A great read on HubSpot [listed on the NYSE] .... As a lean, innovative company, we were laser focused on finding a good product-market fit. We obsessed about customers, and we were fast to adapt to changing circumstances. We didn’t allow ourselves to get distracted by going after “that one big customer win” or possible competitors. And, for sure, we had no time (or inclination) for soft, navel-gazing activities like “culture.” Until ....
Then, I broke that rule.
The Last Few Hours of Your Day Will Determine the First Few
Short version - have a shutdown ritual - easy enough ....
To Control Your Life, Control What You Pay Attention to
I know I'm going to get a comment on this article, but here goes: One of the best insights on what true productivity means in the 21st century dates back to 1890. In his book The Principles of Psychology, Vol.1, William James wrote a simple statement that’s packed with meaning: “My experience is what I agree to attend to.”
The Indispensable Document for the Modern Manager
An operating guide, inspired by the fear of stuffing up in the transition to CEO. So what did Desai do? He penned a user guide — similar to the kind that’d accompany a rice cooker or bassinet — but this one deconstructed how he operated optimally, when he might malfunction, and how others could use him to their greatest success. To create and the compile the guide took a intense self-reflection, drawing both from his early management mistakes
Create a Growth Culture, Not a Performance-Obsessed One
Here’s the dilemma: In a competitive, complex, and volatile business environment, companies need more from their employees than ever. But the same forces rocking businesses are also overwhelming employees, driving up their fear, and compromising their capacity.
Stop asking children these seven questions
A kindergarten teacher was walking around the room to check each child’s work as they drew pictures. “What are you drawing?” he asked one student. The girl said, “I’m drawing God.” The teacher, expecting to hear butterflies and rainbows, was shocked at this deviation from the standard curriculum: “But no one knows what God looks like.”
The girl replied, “They will in a minute.”
10 unmistakable habits of utterly authentic people...
To live authentically, you must own your actions and ensure that they align with your beliefs and needs. This can be a difficult thing to maintain when external forces pressure you to do something you’re not comfortable with or to be someone you’re not.