How to Prioritize
Here’s the structure of the post: Start with Strategy, 3 Models of Opportunity Cost (order of projects) 3 Models of Leverage (importance of projects) and 3 Models for Avoiding Prioritization Mistakes
This is one of the best articles that I have read this year - I really recommend you spend the time on it ^ADJ
Great Companies Obsess Over Productivity, Not Efficency
Business leaders often think of “efficiency” and “productivity” as synonyms, two sides of the same coin. When it comes to strategy, however, efficiency and productivity are very different.
4 minute read - makes you think differently ^ADJ
22 Years Ago, Steve Jobs Said 1 Thing Separates People Who Achieve From Those Who Only Dream |
Will save you a read: "Most people never pick up the phone and call. Most people never ask, and that's what separates, sometimes, the people who do things from the people who just dream about them"
“Pricing and the CEO” – Hermann Simon, Chairman, Simon-Kucher & Partners
We are observing an increasing involvement of CEOs in pricing, which has a significant impact on profit performance. The CEO’s role is threefold: strategic, cultural, and custodial. If a company chooses a premium price positioning, all aspects of strategy, culture and implementation have to be different from those of a company that aims for a low price position. While the CEO should not get involved in the details of pricing or price negotiations, he or she must make sure that all efforts are aligned according to the necessities of the selected position.
7 minute read - if you haven't read the 'confessions of the Pricing Man' can I encourage you - great book to read on pricing and valuable insights ^ADJ
Robby Mook: What the Trump-Clinton Race Taught Me About CyberSecurity
I ran a $1 billion start-up called HFACC, Inc., more commonly known as Hillary for America. Hacking was a problem for us, as most people reading this probably know. The campaign itself was never breached (we think), but the files and emails of multiple employee’s private accounts and our sister organization, the Democratic National Committee, were stolen by Russian agents. The impact on the campaign was devastating.
5 minute read - this is well worthy of a good read and then start talking to your favorite person at IT Partners - numerous lessons to learn about being prepared and becoming more resilient as an organisation ^ADJ